
Exchange requirements for TaskTask v5

TaskTask is compatible with Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 through Exchnage 2013 servers, given the following configuration requirements. TaskTask is compatible with default Exchange configurations for these versions, but some administrators may take extra steps to lock down their Exchange mail configurations that will prevent TaskTask from being able to connect.

If you use a two factor authentication, such as RSA SecurID, Smart Card, or other devices to access Outlook Web Access or Outlook, TaskTask will likely be incompatible with your configuration.

TaskTask will not work with Zimbra, Outlook.com or other servers. TaskTask does not use Exchange ActiveSync due to license restrictions, but rather uses WebDAV or Exchange Web Services.

Determining Your Exchange Server Version

To determine the version of Exchange your mailbox is running on:

  1. Log into Outlook Web Access using your web browser.
  2. Select the Options button or link (depending your version of Exchange)
  3. Click on About
  4. Look for “Microsoft Exchange Client Access server version” and compare the version number to these supported values:
    • Exchange Server 2003 SP1 will be version 6.5.7226 or higher
    • Exchange Server 2007 is 8.0.685.24 or higher
    • Exchange Server 2010 is 14.00.0639.021 or higher
    • Exchange Server 2014 is 15.00.0516.032 or higher

Note: If your server version is lower than 6.5.7226, TaskTask is not compatible.

Server Configuration Requirements

For Exchange 2007, 2010, and 2013

  • Automatic account configuration for TaskTask requires the autodiscover service published using the DNS naming scheme (autodiscover.yourdomain.com).
  • Exchange Web Services must be enabled and published to the default location (/ews/exchange.asmx).
  • Authentication: Basic, Windows Integrated Authentication (NTLM), or Negotiate authentication is required. Kerberos authentication is not supported.

For Exchange 2003 Servers:

  • WebDAV support is enabled on the server and through any firewall
  • Authentication: Basic, Windows Integrated Authentication (NTLM), or standard forms-based authentication (no custom properties or two-factor authentication).
  • Some firewall configurations block the WebDAV commands used by TaskTask, so even if you can access Outlook Web Access you may not be able to use TaskTask. Contact your Exchange administrator to make sure your server is not blocking these commands.